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第984/11075次活动--10.8【走进尼泊尔 环行安纳普尔纳】活动约伴 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-8-16 18:36:35 |显示全部楼层



从尼泊尔机场到塔梅尔(Tamel)地区的出租费用为250--300尼泊尔卢比(接下来简称尼比),但刚到机场很难讲到这个价格。机场的Pre-paid Taxi (预付出租)则要550尼比,而且兑换率只有1:9,低得很。
Do you provide free pick-up service? 你们提供免费接机服务吗?
No, you need to pay 400 Rupees for that. 不,我们的接机费是400卢比。
That's too expensive, give me lower price. 那太贵了,给我便宜点儿。
OK, the lowest pick-up fee is 250 Rs for a couple to live in my hotel. 如果你们有两个人住我的客栈,接机费是250卢比。
But I'm alone. 可我是一个人。
Yes, so pick-up fee is more expensive. 所以接机费就贵。
Give me the lowest price, otherwise I'll have to try another hotel. 给我最低价,不然我就试试其他客栈。
OK, ok then, tell me your flight number, time of arrival and your name, our driver will be waiting at Arrival Exit with your name on our sign. 行行行,告诉我你的航班号,到达时间和名字,我们的司机会拿着有你名字的标牌在到达出口等候。
Good, thank you. 好的,谢谢。
以下信息适用于ABC, EBC和郎当徒步路线。其他线路不是很清楚。上ABC需要两个证:进山证和环保证。英文分别是:Entry permit 和 TIMS ( Trekkers’ Information Management System徒步者信息管理系统)。环保证有蓝色和绿色。持蓝色环保证( 团体徒步者注册证)的为使用当地导游和背夫的团体或个人(Group Trekker/s),持绿色环保证的为自己背包的独行侠(FIT--Free Individual Trekker).
个人办证需本人持护照和两张寸照亲自到NTB(Nepal Tourism Board尼泊尔旅游委员会)或TAAN(Trekking Agents Association of Nepal 尼泊尔徒步旅游业委员会)办理。他人代办只能通过旅行社雇向导和背夫并提供导游和背夫姓名办理蓝证.
在加都的NTB地址:通迪凯儿广场东侧 (Tundikhel) 的Bhrukuti Mandap 大街上。电话:4256909
在博卡拉的NTB地址:大坝区( Pardi 或称 Dam Side) 也称南湖滨区( south of the Lake Side.)
Excuse me, do you know where I can get the Entry Permit and TIMS? 请问在哪儿可以弄到进山证和环保证?
You can go to the NTB, and there is an ACAP office there, you can also get traveling information there.
你可以去尼泊尔旅游委员会,那里有个ACAP 办公室( Annapurna Conservation Area Project 安娜普尔纳保护区项目办公室),你可以在那儿办证,还可以拿到旅行信息。
Where is NTB? 尼泊尔旅游委员会在哪儿啊?
It’s in Bhrukuti Mandap Street. 在Bhrukuti Mandap 大街上。
I’d like to get the permits and TIMS for my group, where can I handle it?
You can go to the Entry Permit Counter on your left side for the permits and the ACAP office opposite for the TIMS.
How many people are there in your group?
Seven. 七个
Then you need to provide your agent’s name and telephone number.
Yes, Nakul, 9814555123.
Where are you going? 你们打算去哪儿徒步啊?
We’re going trekking to ABC. 去ABC.
Your group members’ passports and two one-by-one inch photos, pls. 请给我你们组员的护照和寸照两张。
Here you go. 给你。
The Entry Permit is 2000 Rupees each and TIMS is 10 USD each. So 2700 Rupees for each person, then, seven people, altogether, it’s 18,900 Rupees, please.

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发表于 2011-8-16 18:38:04 |显示全部楼层
I want to rent a car. (hire a car) 我想租辆车
How many people do you have? 你们一共几个人
Seven. 七个
Then you need a off-road van. 那你们需要一辆面包车
How much is that from Kathmandu to Pokhara? 从加都到博卡拉多少钱?
15$ each. 15美金一个人。
It’s a little expensive, can you give us lower price? 有点贵,能便宜一点吗?
This is a very nice and spacious Toyota Van and you can put all your luggage in it. 这个丰田面包车很好很宽敞,你们所有的行李都可以放进去。
Yes, but the market price is 12$ each. 市场价是12美金一个人。
No, not possible, 15$ is the lowest price, you need 500 Rupees for the local bus and that’s slow and dirty and crowded. 不可能,15美金是最低价了,坐本地巴士你都要500卢比呢,而且本地巴士又脏又挤又慢。
How long will it take to get us to Pokhara? 到博卡拉要多长时间?
Six hours, local bus will take you at least 8 hours,not including the traffic jam. 6小时,坐本地巴士要至少8小时, 还不包括塞车。
Can we stop by Gorkha on the way? 那我们中途能在Gorkha停留一下吗?
How long you wanna stay in Gorkha? 你们打算停多久?
Two hours. 两小时
OK, I can wait for you. 那行,我可以等你们。
OK, then come to pick us up at 7 sharp tomorrow morning in this lobby, don’t be late, ok? 好,明天早上7点整到宾馆大堂接我们,不要迟到,好吗?
Sure, see you tomorrow. 当然, 明天见!

We’re looking for some porters. 我们想找几个背夫。
Do you need a guide? 你们要导游吗?
No, just porters. 不,只要背夫。(导游会英文可以介绍大山,背夫只负责背,会简单的词汇;所以价格也相差两三倍。)
Where are you going? 你们要去哪儿?
What’s your route?你们的路线是什么?
Do you have a map? 你有地图吗?
From here---Khare up to ABC and come back to Chomrong, then go to Poon Hill through Tadapani, then back through this route to Nayapul.
从这儿--Khare直上ABC, 然后从ABC回到Chomrong, 再经Tadapani到Poon Hill, 后回到这条线走到Nayapul.
Then you need at least 10 days. 那你们需要至少10天。
We decide how many days we need. How much is a porter for one day? 我们决定我们需要多少天。一个背夫多少钱一天?
15 US dollars. 15美金。
No, that’s too expensive, what’s the lowest price? 那太贵了, 最低什么价?
How many porters do you need? 你们要几个?
We have seven people, I guess 3 or 4. 我们一共7个人,要3到4个。
At least 4. 至少要4个。
Ok, 4, how much is that. 行,那就4个,多少钱?
14 US dollars. 14美金。
No, this is the deal, we give each of them 12 US dollars for each day not including (exclude) the tips. But we’ll decide how many days we need, which guest house we’ll stay and what food we gonna eat.
Will you take care of what they eat? 你们管他们的伙食?
No, they take care of their own food and accommodation by themselves. OK?
OK, anything else?还有什么?
Some of us walk really fast, but some of us walk more slowly, can you ask the porters to keep the same pace with us, neither too fast nor too slow, ok?
No problem, how you gonna pay? 没问题,你们怎么付款?
We pay 10% in advance, and pay the rest to them directly after the whole trip.
我们可以先预付10%, 剩下的整个旅程结束后直接给他们。
Thank you.
Hi, Do you have rooms available? 你们有空房吗?
How many rooms do you need? 你们要几间?
We have three men and four ladies, so three double and one single. 我们有三个男的,四个女的。所以要三个双人房,一个单人房。
We only have two double rooms, one 4-bed room, is that ok? 我们只有两个双人房和一间四张床的房了,可以吗?
How much is the room? 房价多少?
200 Rupees for the double and 300 for the big one. 双人房一间200卢比,四人房300卢比。
No, that’s too expensive, we saw many guest houses much cheaper than this. 50 for each room and we eat here, is that ok? 那太贵了,我们看见很多便宜得多的客栈。50卢比一间房,我们在这儿吃饭,怎样?
Everyone eat here? 所有人都在这儿吃吗?
Yes, everyone eat here, but do you have hot bath? 是的,所有人都在你这儿吃,但你们这儿可以洗热水澡吗?
Yes, but that’s 150 Rupees for each person. 可以,但要150卢比一个人。
Is that really stable and hot water? 是真正稳定的热水吗?
Yes, we use gas. 是的,我们烧天然气的。
Can I try it? 我可以试一下吗?
Sure. 当然
Ok then, 50 for each room, 150 each for the hot bath and battery charge for free, ok? 那行,50一间房,三间150,然后洗澡一人150,电池充电免费好吗?
Haha, ok ok then. 哈哈,那好吧。

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发表于 2011-8-16 18:39:05 |显示全部楼层
在尼泊尔大山之中的大多使用政府统一菜单,所以几乎家家户户都是一份菜单。上面的价格也都是固定价格,但实际也是好商量的。海拔越低价格越便宜。比如一份Dal Bhat在低海拔是200卢比,到ABC就要440卢比。想要点好单只用了解一份菜单就基本可以了。

Hot Drinks (热饮
Per cup 每杯的价格/ small pot 小壶价/ big pot 大壶价
Milk Tea (奶茶)
Lemon Tea (柠檬茶)
Hot Lemon Tea(热柠檬)
Ginger Tea (姜茶)
Mint Tea (薄荷茶)
Black coffee (清咖)
Milk Coffee (奶咖)
Hot Chocolate (热巧克力)
Black Tea (黑茶)
Cold Drinks (冷饮
Coke/Fanta/Sprite 可乐/芬达/雪碧
Mineral Water 矿水
Box Juice 盒装果汁
Can Juice/pineapple/orange 听装果汁/菠萝汁/橙汁
Beer 啤酒
Egg (2 Pcs./ Double) 鸡蛋(一份两个
Boild Egg 白煮蛋
Fried Egg 煎蛋 (Sunny-side up or one side 只煎一面的溏心蛋)
Plain omelette 鸡蛋饼
Veg. Omelette 蔬菜鸡蛋饼
Cheese Omelette 芝士鸡蛋饼
Scrambled Egg 炒鸡蛋
Poached Egg 水煮荷包蛋
Porridge/ Muesli
Oat Porridge 燕麦粥
Apple porridge 苹果粥
Banana porridge 香蕉粥
Muesli with Milk 什锦牛奶粥
Apple Muesli 苹果什锦粥
Banana Muesli 香蕉什锦粥
Corn Flakes/ Milk 牛奶玉米片粥
Breads (面点
Plain Chapati (2 pcs) 白薄饼(2块)
Chapati Jam/ Honey 果酱蜂蜜饼
Chapati+Cheese 芝士饼
Tibetan Bread 藏式饼
Tibetan Bread +Jam/honey 果酱蜂蜜藏式饼
Tibetan Bread with Cheese 藏式芝士饼
Pancake Plain 派
Pancake + Jam/honey 果酱蜂蜜派
Apple Pancake 苹果派

Tomato Soup 番茄汤
Chicken Soup 鸡汤
Veg. Soup 蔬菜汤
Noodle Soup 面汤
Garlic Soup 蒜汤
Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤
Veg. Noodle Soup 蔬菜面汤
Mushroom Soup 蘑菇汤
Dal Bhat 蔬菜、豆汤、米饭套餐
Plain Rice 白米饭
Veg. Fried Rice 蔬菜炒饭
Veg. Egg Fried Rice 蔬菜鸡蛋炒饭
Mixed Fried Rice 什锦炒饭
Chicken Fried Rice 鸡肉炒饭
Tuna Fried Rice 金枪鱼炒饭
Pasta 面类
Veg. Fried Macoroni 蔬菜炒通心粉
Veg. Egg Fried Macoroni 蔬菜鸡蛋通心粉
Mixed Fried Macoroni 什锦炒同心粉
Chicken Fried Macoroni 鸡蛋炒通心粉
Tuna Fried Macoroni 金枪鱼炒通心粉
Veg. Fried Noodles 蔬菜炒面
Veg. Egg Fried Noodles 蔬菜鸡蛋炒面
Mixed Fried Noodles 什锦炒面
Chicken Fried Noodles 鸡蛋炒面
Tuna Fried Noodles 金枪鱼炒面
MOMO 藏式蒸饺
Veg. Momo 蔬菜饺
Potato Momo 土豆饺
Tuna Momo 金枪鱼饺
Chicken Momo 鸡肉饺
Spring Roll (2 pcs.) 春卷(2个一份)
Veg. Spring Roll 蔬菜春卷
Veg+ Egg Spring roll 蔬菜鸡蛋春卷
Veg. Tuna Spring Roll 蔬菜金枪鱼春卷
Veg. + Chicken Spring Roll 蔬菜鸡肉春卷
Potato Dish 土豆餐
Boiled Potato 水煮土豆
Fried Potato 炒土豆
Veg. Fried Potato 蔬菜土豆
Veg. Egg Fried Potato 蔬菜鸡蛋炒土豆
Potato Chips(Finger) 薯条
Mashed Potato Cheese 芝士土豆泥
Swiss Rosti 瑞士土豆饼

Curry 咖喱
Veg. Curry 蔬菜咖喱
Egg Curry 鸡蛋咖喱
Potato Curry 土豆咖喱
Chicken Curry 鸡肉咖喱
Dessert 甜品
Rice Pudding 米饭布丁
Chocolate Pudding 巧克力布丁
Custard pudding 奶黄牛乳布丁
Apple Fritters 油炸面拖苹果(2块)
Apple Pie 苹果馅饼
Mars Rolls 饭卷(2个)
Snicker’s Rolls 巧克力卷(2个)
Room Charge 房费
Single Room 单人房
Double Room 双人房
Triple Room 三人房
Kitchen Charge 厨房费用(借用厨房烧饭的费用)
Hot Water ( 1 liter/ 1 thermos) 热水 (1升/ 1瓶)

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发表于 2011-8-16 20:22:07 |显示全部楼层
以下是引用桑珠小莉在2011-8-16 11:08:19的发言:
不客气.我也是在磨房上看到的. 也是别人整理的,  我只摘取了尼泊尔部分的.

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